Otoplasty allows improving the appearance of ear mainly by adjusting the auricles. Patients who are perfect candidates for surgery have auricles that stick out the skull. Otoplasty is a surgery that reinstates the ears to their proper anatomical structure and gives them the desired effect. In most cases, it is possible to achieve aesthetic goals and meet the expectations of the patient.
The most important benefits of otoplasty
- one-day hospitalization for children
- better functioning in the social world – in particular children
- invisibility of the stitches
- the possibility of surgery in both adults and “small patients”
- improvement of the appearance and symmetry of the auricles
- improving the appearance of the face
- better self-acceptance and improvement of self-esteem
Who should consider otoplasty?
- overly developed helix
- underdeveloped antihelix
- overgrown lobule of the auricle.
The course of otoplasty
The surgery is performed under local anesthesia (in children under 14 years of age it is conducted under general anesthesia).
The time of giving of anesthesia can be felt but the further stages of the surgery usually do not cause any discomfort.
At the backside of lobule of the auricle the cut is made. The kind of the cut and its length depend on the origin of the ear defect. Then the new shape of ear is created. After that the stiches are put as well as elastic bandage that protects the ear against injury and against bending them forward.
Instructions after the treatment:
A natural phenomenon is the occurrence of swelling and bruising. These changes usually disappear after a maximum of two weeks. For the first few days it is necessary to wear a special tourniquet. The patient may return to daily activities on the next day, while full physical activity (practicing sports) is possible only when the wounds are healed. Stitches are removed after one week.
Health contraindications for otoplasty
Otoplasty can be performed in both children and adults and it does not require any specific requirements. Nevertheless:
- diabetes
- hypertension
- anemia
- inflammation of the ears
- blood coagulation disorders
- are a contraindication to the surgery.
Gallery: before and after

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However, it is worth to remember: when you make a decision about the plastic surgery, it is worth to know that it may have a significant impact on your body because it is a serious treatment.
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Korekcja odstających uszu
Przechodziłam tu operację plastyczną uszu. Polecam tym co chcą być spokojni o przebieg i wyniki zabiegu.
Korekta uszu
Bardzo porządny chirurg, jeżeli coś mówi pacjentce to są to same naprawdę dobre rady, nie spodziewałam się w dzisiejszych czasach takich lekarzy.
Operacja odstających uszu
Świetna klinika z lekarzami, którzy mają specjalizację z chirurgii plastycznej.